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Im so hooked, i cant stop killing these scary monsters. Give me a rail gun!


Rally cool game. The fact that it’d made with Godot is insane @_@

Love the weapons!




Sick game, very nice raytraced lighting, almost looks like it could have been Unreal. <3 Amazing job.


Better them Overwatch =}


crazy sick game  


I love this game omg.
The designs are done so well, the environment really creates an atmosphere! Especially with the music and SFX, it blends really well with the aesthetic :D

I love the art especially!


Really cool game! Even as someone who doesn't really like action based games, I enjoyed the movement and understood the controls well. I like how you're forced to be on the move while still paying attention to the environment (so that you don't fall in the death pits for example). I also love the aesthetic and the SFX made the weapons satisfying :)

Yooo sick game